Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Nice to meet you!

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Hi all of you!

I am Esmee, 17 years old and I am from the Netherlands. I am very excited to be here! My school offered me the chance to go on an internship for four weeks. The education that I get is a bilingual education, which means I get classes in both English and Dutch. Also, we went on a trip in every school year. Our first year it was London, the second year we did an exchange with Germany , third year we went to Czech Republic, and last year we went to Oxford and Cambridge. But this is the thing I have been looking forward to since I started at this school when I was 12 years old: a trip to an English speaking country all by myself.

I love playing soccer and this is how I found LA Scores. So that is where I am now, at the office of LA Scores, writing a post for the blog. Last Thursday was my very first day at the office, and David and I talked things through. We kind of decided that I would take care of the communication side of the organisation, like Facebook, Twitter and this blog. On Thursday afternoon I got to meet a few of the children and they were adorable. On Friday I worked on the new Facebook page (you can now actually like it!) and after lunch we went to Mar Vista park to set up Game Day. Around 3 all the kids started to arrive and warm up for their game. I was a ref at one of the girls matches. I was very warm at the turf field, but we had a lot of fun!

I really look forward to seeing all the children in the afternoons, because I really enjoyed that last week! Also, I really want to help out at the office because I would like to find out how everything works at a non-profit organisation.


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