Thursday, March 29, 2012

Climbing Everest

Thursday, March 29, 2012
I am fairly confident that no person can climb Mount Everest in one day. There are several base camps along the ascent that provide brief paradises of rest for those courageous men and women who brave the trek to the summit. Survival is not guaranteed. But once you reach the apex and realize that you are as close to infinite as any man, woman, or child can reach under their own power, I imagine that everything challenge you have face before would appear infinitesimal. Well...working with children in schools is its own mountain, perhaps larger than Everest in the amount of energy expended to reach the point of completion. Thank the powers that be for those base camps better known as Breaks. I said all this to say Spring Break starts next week. My comparison may have been a little roundabout, but I think you get my point. This is a time for rest, for gathering our energies while we prepare to continue up this mountain. And we prepare to survive.


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