Students at Braddock Drive Elementary chose to do a clothing drive for homeless teens as their service learning project this season. They have worked hard over the past few weeks to collect new and gently used garments to donate to a shelter that give homeless teens in Los Angeles a safe place to stay. As of now they have collected over four large bags to donate.
The organization that will benefit from this project is called the
Los Angeles Youth Network. LAYN is located in Hollywood and helps kids all over Los Angeles from ages 12 to early 20's. Among LAYN's services are a temporary shelter for teens who need a safe place to stay, a smaller long-term house for those who need it, and an apartment program for teens after they graduate high school.
A few times a week, people from LAYN also drive around Los Angeles with food and water looking for homeless teens to spread awareness about the organization, its shelters, and how they can help.

On Wednesday, a representative from LAYN came to Braddock to talk to the students about the organization. The students learned how their donations would help out kids from all over Los Angeles. They were also able to ask questions about the program such as, "What do the kids do on holidays?", "What kinds of movies do they like to watch?" and "What do they do after school?" Learning about LAYN was inspiring for the students at Braddock, who were interested in finding out how to donate more items even after their LA SCORES clothing drive.
To find out more about the Los Angeles Youth Network, visit their website at